Teeth whitening has now come to be quite fashionable and also necessary for habitancy to feel good and look good. Having a dazzling smile has come to be extremely foremost for individuals. Every year thousands of habitancy spend in excess over billion on cosmetic teeth procedures in one way or the other.
So what is teeth whitening?
Whiten Teeth at Home
This is a process of removing stains and discolourations from teeth to enhance their colour through a bleaching process to make them look whiter. Heavily stained teeth may need a scale & polish from a dental hygienist to enhance their appearance significantly.
How does it work?
Whether you go to a dental convention or use an at home kit, both of these procedures are based on a bleaching process that uses a peroxide based compound of varying strengths to bleach the teeth. The higher the concentration of peroxide in the compound, the more excellent the bleaching process will be.
Does it hurt?
The actual process should not cause any pain, but you will need to take precaution on the protection of your gums and lips with a protective material to avoid potential damage to your soft tissues.
Difference in the middle of 'at home' or 'in office'.
There are two distinct methods to getting a fantastic set of teeth.
1. Go to your dental practice.
2. In the comfort of your own home.
In Office
The 'in office' way was ordinarily the way you would go if you wanted to have this procedure done. Your dentist would correlate you, take an x-ray of your teeth. Then he would take a mould of your teeth to send away to the labs. You would then have to come back, ordinarily about two weeks later to have this mould fitted onto your teeth. The moulds would then be filled with a peroxide (normally of low concentration) and then pressed against the teeth and gums. After 3-4 visits to the dentist to get this procedure done, you will be packed off home with a hefty bill weighing you down in your purse or wallet. But you will have whiter teeth!
That was the way that it used to be done 10 years ago. Now they have laser rehabilitation which can be known as 'Laser Bleaching' which is a much shorter process. Laser rehabilitation is done by applying concentrated peroxide gel on your teeth. You will have to sit in the dentist chair with your mouth open for about an hour, while a extra argon light is shone onto your teeth that turns the paste that chemically reacts with the peroxide to faultless the teeth whitening process.
This procedure does work and it is a lot faster now than it was 10 years ago, but it will still leave you with a lighter wallet or purse as this procedure can be quite expensive. You will ordinarily have to return to the dental convention after about 6 months for a 'retouch'. You might be lucky and have a beyond doubt nice dentist who will provide you with some home whitening treatments instead of advent back every 6 months.

Laser rehabilitation is done by applying concentrated peroxide gel on your teeth. You will have to sit in the dentist chair with your mouth open for about an hour, powdered carbon